Top 3 for 3
3 Recommendations
1. Be gentle, go Slow
It has taken a lifetime of unconscious posture and unconscious breathing to land us in our current, unique situations.
While very effective at undoing these negative patterns, Block Therapy is a lifestyle practice. And like all good lifestyle choices, the benefits are best enjoyed over the long term! Continue to be gentle with yourself and allow the unfolding of your health to happen in it's own time.
You're on the right path, be sure to enjoy the journey!
2. Connect to the Community
This is your journey but you don't have to do it alone!
There are many resources to use for support, both in person and online.
Take advantage of whomever introduced you to Block Therapy; they love helping you succeed!
Connect to a local Instructor or Therapist and if there is no-one in your community, browse all the instructors here. Find one you resonate with and reach out. They would love to hear from you!
Connect to the Block Therapy Community Group on Facebook. This is where you can ask any question, browse peoples experiences and connect with like minded people who also want to see you succeed. Chances are there is someone in there who has experienced something very similar to you and has already moved past their challenges!
Finally - come to classes and events. I have seen friendships form, guidance given and confidence grow!
It's the easiest way to maintain your practice, plus you feel so good afterwards!
3. Complete the Starter Program and Use the 14 day free Trial
This is a big one! ​
If you purchased a Starter Program - go for it! Follow the program, complete the 9 videos at your pace and repeat!
While using the Block on hour own is helpful and I recommend using it intuitively, it's a real good idea in the beginning to explore all areas of the body in sequence as designed by Deanna.
With 20 years of experience and supporting thousands of people, she has designed this program to get you started in the best way possible!
Then be sure to use your 14 day free trial to the member site. There are so many good classes and programs in here.
Have fun, explore, try new postures, sequences and see what happens.
And if you want to know which classes are best for you, see point 2 and send me a message - I would love to set you up!
1. How often do you Block?
I hear this one most often and it's a good one.
Personally I do my best to Block each day because I feel better when I do.
Sometimes it's for 30 minutes, sometimes it's 5 or 10 minutes before getting out of bed in the morning and whenever I can, I do a 90 minute class.
The ideal amount of Blocking for you is dependent on your situation and how much time you have!
Make it fit your lifestyle. So if that's daily - great! If it's 3 times a week, perfect. Just be as consistent as you can and in the beginning follow along to the Starter Program.
If you have a specific challenge you'd like to resolve, make sure to follow some of the 21 day series' in the members area. It's setup to do a 30 minute class daily and a 90 minute class once a week!
Again - go at your pace. There is no right or wrong. As long as you feel ok to Block, and your breath allows, Block as much or as little as you like!
2. Where Can I get a Block?
That's an easy one! ​
You can get a Block from me or you can order them online from Block Therapy.
If this is your first Block, it always comes with the Starter Program. Additional Blocks, including the Baby Block are available to for purchase separately if you already have your Starter Program.
3. Does it hurt?
Yes and No!
You will feel it! It can be intense! And for some it can be painful, but in the best way possible!
I commonly hear from first time Blockers who said they were hesitant to try it because they thought it would hurt too much.
Most say - that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be!
They are also amazed at how quickly the sensation changes from "pain" to "pressure" and many people who don't like deep tissue massage, actually like the feeling of Blocking!
It can take some getting used to in the beginning but once you learn to work with your breath and be present with the sensations, you access a whole new part of yourself, build confidence in your body and feel better afterwards!
1. Side waist
I didn't start off liking this position but as time goes on, I find myself coming back to it more and more.
This position directly affects the stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands, intestines and lower back.
This area will help to release back pain and will greatly improve elimination. It will also lengthen the ribs away from the hip, helping to create an hourglass figure. You can rock forward and backward to move deeper into the tissue, and the slower you move the more effective you will be.
2. Adductors
This has always been a favorite of mine. The pain is just right and the release is deep and noticeable. Plus it really helps free my hips and low back. A staple in my routine!
This position directly affects the knees, hip joints, low back and quality and tone of muscle tissue.
The majority of people walk with their toes pointing outward, an indicator that the hip flexors have shortened. This also means that the mechanics for proper gait are incorrect. Rather than lifting the leg with the hip flexors and placing the heel down, the majority of people propel the leg forward using the adductor muscles.
This causes a migration of this tissue over time, causing a bunching, or accumulation of tissue in the inner thigh. This not only affects the appearance of tissue but blocks blood and energy flow to the legs and feet.
3. Outer Deltoids
I tend to Block my hands and arms the least for some reason!
However, I have been focusing more on these areas, especially the shoulder. I have old injuries in the left shoulder and this position really helps create the freedom I need.
This position is going to improve blood flow to the arm and hand, as well to re-align muscle tissue. The humorous, or upper arm bone rolls in due to the collapse of the rib cage and subsequent mal-alignment of the shoulder blade, and the tissue in the arm freezes to the bone, blocking blood flow. This freezing of tissue changes the function and appearance of the muscles, causing a restriction in range of motion of the shoulder joint and creating poor tone in the upper arm.