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Block Therapy for the Low Back

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain is one of the the leading cause of disability worldwide

Several known factors affect the low back and can cause it to tighten including: soreness, injury, poor posture, tight hamstrings or hip flexors.


Low back issues can include sciatica (herniated disc, inflamed piriformis, overgrowth of bone in spine), disc issues (degeneration, bulging, herniated, ruptured, thinning), arthritis, spondylolisthesis, ankylosing spondylitis (freezing of the inflammation of joints of the spine), SI joint pain and more. 


Low back pain can have temporary or long-lasting effects and at it's worst may severely limit movement and quality of life. 

Standard Approach

Cold/heat Therapy, pain meds, Muscle relaxants, orthotics, physical therapy, strength and flexibility training, surgery. 

Often accepted as a fact of life - it's almost expected that everybody will suffer from it sooner or later. â€‹


Many physical therapies focus on the low back and may address the hip flexors and quads as potential cause sites.


Block Perspective

Start with the FOUNDATION.


Even when we have a low back injury, the calves and feet are big players in misalignment.


We tend to stack our weight into one leg and splay the other leg out to the side. 


For example, maybe you stack your right leg and your left leg moves out from underneath your body as seen below.




























The right leg becomes an anchor and the right hip joint migrates to the outside and back. The head of the femur rubs on the Cartlidge, causing potential inflammation.


This shift in weight causes compression in the piriformis on the right side which may affect the sciatic nerve. 


If we were perfectly balanced the SI joints would have optimal space and ease of movement but if we have excessive pressure and sticking on one side, that will create pain and inflammation in that joint. 


Notice her low back in the pic above. There is more compression on the right side, creating asymmetry in the low back - which may cause the pelvis to be pulled forward and twisted.  


Over time this could lead to a number of low back issues, stemming from her imbalance and other personal factors in how she sits, sleeps, her activities and more. 




























While still needing some time, you can see the difference in her foundation with 3 months of Blocking.


Her low back looks more aligned, has better weight distribution and her hips are coming into balance. This will decrease tension in the low back and support the spine. Plus, there isn't as much compression in the glutes/piriformis, easing pressure on the sciatic nerve. 



A Level Deeper


The shins and calves! You hear me talk of this in class, with good reason. The fascia gets hooked on the underside of the tibia and holds the body out of alignment - which affects the low back. 


If you don't release the calves (and feet) it doesn't matter how much work you do on your low back. As soon as you start walking you will be pulled back into the fascia pattern which will pull on the pelvis/low back. 


As with all issues addressed with Block Therapy you want to focus on the cause site(s), not just the pain site. 


Block for the Low Back


Start with....The Starter Program!


Then, complete the 21 day Pelvis, Legs and Feet Program in the Membership Area. 


Be sure to also apply the Pronator Corrector videos in the 21 day program! 




 If you 're not ready for your Starter Program yet, begin with the FREE Block Therapy Sampler Program. 

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right foot collapse after.png
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